029 20345 294
62 Whitchurch Road
CF14 3LX
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Befriending provides friendship support, on the telephone/ online and occasionally in person. The service is delivered by trained volunteers.
Befriending is a free support service that offers companionship to people in need. It aims to combat loneliness and low confidence by providing scheduled, social phone calls or meetups with a trained volunteer. The service lasts for six months and in that time can help increase overall wellbeing, giving people the boost, they need to start learning new skills and enjoying life.
Anyone who is experiencing isolation or low self-esteem can benefit from befriending. Some clients find themselves lonely after moving to a new area; don’t have time to socialise because of work or family commitments; or have trouble interacting with others because they’re anxious.
People from all ethnic and religious backgrounds can make use of the service. We recruit a diverse team of volunteers to accommodate various cultural and linguistic needs.
Befriending Services
A wellbeing check-in call is a 15-minute phone call conducted by a trained volunteer. The client will be called every few weeks on an unscheduled basis and will be invited to talk about anything they wish, from the weather to a challenge they are currently facing. The call provides an opportunity for the client to be listened to, express any concerns they have, ask for support, or just have a friendly social chat. It helps our clients know they have not been forgotten and that we are here to support them.
A wellbeing check-in call can benefit clients who are waiting for further support or find reaching out to others a challenge. The call can also benefit those who would like the opportunity to talk to someone but would struggle to commit to regularly scheduled support. A wellbeing check-in call is for anyone who would like to know they will be contacted by a volunteer of CCAWS who wants to listen and support them.
Anyone who believes a wellbeing check-in call would benefit them is welcome to use the service. Clients are not automatically added to the list of wellbeing check-in calls, they must first consent to it.
Are you looking to get involved?
We are always seeking friendly and reliable people from within our local community to give 1-2 hours per week, to provide invaluable befriending support to people who may be experiencing social isolation, loneliness and mental health difficulties. We will provide training, support and supervision. Most of our Befriending opportunities are virtual, meaning it just involves making a phone or video call once a week.
We provide a 1:1 befriending service for people in our local community who may be feeling lonely and isolated. A Befriender is a friendly volunteer who you can talk to on the telephone, perhaps meet up with for a coffee, or for a gentle walk outdoors.